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sta sera ci sono pure io, appena tornato a casa...appena finito il Redentore (avete presente lo spettacolo veneziano di fuochi d'artificio??)...come al solito spettacolare!!!

Dino, il Crodino non riesco a trovarlo... stasera non mi funziona Google immagini! biggrin.gif
Ciao Luca... Probabilmente c'erano anche un paio di miei amici, al Redentore. wink.gif
hiuuu... c'e' qualche particella di sodio in giro da queste parti...

E' un forum notturno un po sonnolento mi sembra.....

buzz....sei connesso...!!!!!!!!!
Ho idea che stasera siano andati tuti a nanna presto dry.gif ... il bar è comunque aperto!

.....chi offre da bere ? smile.gif
QUOTE(robyt @ Jul 18 2006, 12:07 AM)
.....chi offre da bere ?  smile.gif

Beh, dovrebbero offrire gli NPU biggrin.gif
Un saluto veloce a tutti prima di andare a nanna... biggrin.gif
QUOTE(twinsouls @ Jul 18 2006, 12:14 AM)
Un saluto veloce a tutti prima di andare a nanna... biggrin.gif

Notte Davide smile.gif
finisco di sistemare un paio di foto e vado a nanna anche io.

Roby? Ti lascio una Coca Cola fredda sul bancone wink.gif
QUOTE(.Eli. @ Jul 18 2006, 12:09 AM)
Beh, dovrebbero offrire gli NPU  biggrin.gif

Hai ragione, anche se , escludendo un addetto agli scanner e uno al software, sono sempre gli stessi smile.gif
Grazie per la Coca, adesso la correggo con un goccio di rhum e poi vado a nanna anch'io.

Ciao Davide, buonanotte.
notte a tutti
I power user è ovvio che siano gli stessi! Mica nascono sugli alberi, ma si sono conquistati il titolo sul campo (e a suon di apparecchiature!)
Però potrebbero lo stesso offrire da bere! <:)

io accetto una birretta.... con questo caldo!
Michele Difrancesco
QUOTE(buzz @ Jul 18 2006, 12:24 AM)
notte a tutti
I power user è ovvio che siano gli stessi! Mica nascono sugli alberi, ma si sono conquistati il titolo sul campo (e a suon di apparecchiature!)
Però potrebbero lo stesso offrire da bere! <:)

io accetto una birretta.... con questo caldo!

Buzz, considera che alcuni tra gli NPU (in carica o che erano in carica) posseggono un solo prodotto.
Il primo NPU possedeva una sola Coolpix ma ha saputo riaccendere la passione per la fotografia in moltissimi.

Questa volta ci "beviamo su..." ma consiglio di pesare bene le considerazioni prima di pubblicare.

a presto

tra l'altro non sono gli stessi...

da solo a casa, la moglie in vacanza, forum......., bohh !!!!!!!!

e come dice il conte max.......


Chi sta leggendo Crypto può decifrare......

chiudo io?

...e apro io... tongue.gif
QUOTE(twinsouls @ Jul 20 2006, 12:12 AM)
...e apro io... tongue.gif

...e io vado a nanna wink.gif

Buon proseguimento a tutti...

sera ....
Ragazzi, sono passato anch'io per il bar prima di chiudere, ma prima mi farò un ultimo giro per il forum, e poi a .... domani.

Notte a tutti biggrin.gif
Buonanotte Eli...
E ciao Annalisa! smile.gif
sono in vena di musica...

Ciao Salvo ... ciao Davide ... smile.gif posso offrirvi qualcosa ??
ops marco hai postato mentre postavo tongue.gif posso offrire qualcosa anche a te wink.gif ?
mojto grazie lisa...

e mojto sia .... (p.s. : è meglio del latte tongue.gif )
Ciao Salvo, ciao Marco!
A me per favore una granita di limone, siciliana, quelle col limone fresco! tongue.gif
QUOTE(_Annalisa_ @ Jul 20 2006, 12:22 AM)
Ciao Salvo ... ciao Davide ... smile.gif posso offrirvi qualcosa ??

Si, grazie, Annalisa fai tu, basta che sia qualcosa di fresco ... biggrin.gif
QUOTE(twinsouls @ Jul 20 2006, 12:34 AM)
Ciao Salvo, ciao Marco!
A me per favore una granita di limone, siciliana, quelle col limone fresco! tongue.gif

Davide, pronta la granita per te, ma purtroppo ho i limoni di Sorrento, per te vanno bene? biggrin.gif
Ah! ma siete già tutti a nanna?
QUOTE(fotoland @ Jul 20 2006, 12:38 AM)
Davide, pronta la granita per te, ma purtroppo ho i limoni di Sorrento, per te vanno bene?  biggrin.gif

Benissimo! smile.gif Pollice.gif
Scusa, ma stavo ri-postando un "vecchio" life...
Ragazzi, grazie per la granita... vado a letto, sto schiantando di sonno. smile.gif

A presto! wink.gif
QUOTE(twinsouls @ Jul 20 2006, 12:51 AM)
Ragazzi, grazie per la granita... vado a letto, sto schiantando di sonno. smile.gif

A presto! wink.gif

Notte Davide, anch'io vado, che domani si ricomincia ....

NOTTE A TUTTI, a domani wink.gif
well you
you can sit in your highchairs
highchairs are for children
you can sit in your highchairs and laugh
i'll give you my best face
i'll give you my freedom
i'll give you my feet and my hands

i'm keeping my eyes
open open open to the field
hold your dances there
take the crop
share the yield

you can join us together
break us apart
a wound in the skin is a break in the heart
you can coast on your laughter
high shelf your heart
but laughter's for healing
not tearing apart

i'm keeping my eyes
open to the fields
you can hold your dances there
take the crop
share the yield

not a soul is lost
but collapse in the walls
you can dance in the dust
you can walk it off walk walk it off

if you're falling you're falling
come calling to me
falling falling
i'll give you my skin
i will give you my skin

i'm keeping my eyes
open to the field
(if you're falling you're falling come calling to me)
you can hold your dances here
(if you're falling you're falling come calling to me)
take the crop, share the yield
(if you're falling you're falling come calling to me)
i'm keeping my eyes
(if you're falling you're falling come calling to me)
open to the field
(if you're falling you're falling come calling to me)
hold your dances there
(if you're falling you're falling come calling to me)
take the crop share the yield
if you're falling you're falling come calling to me
if you're falling you're falling come calling to me
if you're falling you're falling come calling to me
i will give you my skin


Buonasera a tutti!
Domani alle 2 parto per l'Australia...starò via un pochino. Spero di non mancarvi! wink.gif
Vi seguirò anche da li, non preoccupatevi!
Adesso una camomilla, così mi riposo...
Gianluca Cecere
Grande!! Beato te! Fai buon viaggio e divertiti!!!
notte a tutti...serata moscissima di domani arriva il nuovo 50 1.4... biggrin.gif
they said some men would be warriors
some men would be kings
some men would be owners of land
and other man-made things
false love as the eternal flame
would move some to think in rings
and gold would be our power
and other foolish things

and you who dream of liberty
must not yourselves be fooled
before you get to plea for freedom
you've agreed to being ruled
if the body stays a shackle
then the mind remains a chain
and that will link you to your destiny
where by other souls are slain

it won't take long
it won't take too long at all

three men in a desert wandering
one is knowing and two are scared
they say time is in the river
oh but the river is not there
dry in spirit
dry in body
two will lend themselves to death
and in grief one weeps into his hands
and drinks his bitter tears

'cause it don't take long
it don't take too long at all
no it don't take long
you may say
i don't know what you're talking about
and i say
you mean to tell me that's all

and i stand before you now
i am hopeful in my rage
you know love has finally called for me
i will not wilt upon its stage
but you know still smaller than my nightmare
now do i print upon the page
and do we have to live inside its walls
to identify the cage

'cause it takes so long
why does it take so long
and it takes so long
you may say
i don't really care what you're talking about
i'm gonna ask you
you trying to tell me you don't belong

i am my mother's daughter
but i have seen myself in you
it's this blessing that i follow now
and so i must speak true
i dreamed of thousands dying
it was you and you and you
and while the city sleeps so quietly
there is something we must do

and it wont' take long
it won't take too long at all
it won't take long
may say
i don't know if i wanna know what you're getting at
it makes me wanna say
so long

grief shall come in measures
only grief alone will know
and you'll see it on your family
and on your own face it will grow
then they'll try to keep you hungry
and they'll tell you to eat snow
you know pride can be a moving thing
if we learn the strength of no

and it won't take long
it won't take too long at all
no it won't take long
you may say
i don't think this has anything to do with me
did you ever think you could be wrong

at noon on one day coming
human strength will fill the streets
of every city on our planet
hear the sound of angry feet
with business freezed up in the harbour
the kings will pull upon their hair
and the banks will shudder to a halt
and the artists will be there

'cause it won't take long
it won't take too long at all
no it won't take long
and you may say
i don't think i can be a part of that
and it makes me want to say
don't you want to see yourself that strong

division between the peoples
will disappear that honoured day
and though oceans lie between us
lifted candles light the way
half will join their hands by moonlight
the rest under the rising sun
as underneath the sun and moon
a ritualed wailing has begun

and it won't take long
it won't take too long at all
and it won't take long
and you may say
i don't know how to be a part of what you're talking about
and it makes me want to say
come on
come on

oh beware you sagging diplomats
for you will not hear one gun
and though our homes be torn and ransacked
we will not be undone
for as we let ourselves be bought
we're gonna let ourselves be free
and if you think we stand alone
take a look around and you will see

we are children in the rafters
we are babies in the park
we are lovers at the movies
we are candles in the dark
we are changes in the weather
we are snowflakes in july
we are women grown together
we are men who easily cry
we are words not quickly spoken
we're the deeper side of try
we are dreamers in the making
we are not afraid of why


QUOTE(Gianluca Cecere @ Jul 20 2006, 01:27 AM)
Grande!! Beato te! Fai buon viaggio e divertiti!!!

Grazie Gianlu, e complimenti per il reportage sulla fabbrica abbandonata...L'ho guardato un po' di fretta e non ho avuto tempo di commentarlo ma gli scatti mi sembravano ottimi...e non è una novità!
Gianluca Cecere
QUOTE(Ais @ Jul 20 2006, 01:40 AM)
Grazie Gianlu, e complimenti per il reportage sulla fabbrica abbandonata...L'ho guardato un po' di fretta e non ho avuto tempo di commentarlo ma gli scatti mi sembravano ottimi...e non è una novità!

Grazie M.ichele, mi fa piacere che ti sia piaciuto!
Non preoccuparti del commento wink.gif ... piuttosto divertiti anche per me in Australia..che per me ci vuole ancora tempo per le vacanze..
ed ora patti smith

Every night before I go to sleep
Find a ticket, win a lottery,
Scoop the pearls up from the sea
Cash them in and buy you all the things you need.
Every night before I rest my head
See those dollar bills go swirling 'round my bed.
I know they're stolen, but I don't feel bad.
I take that money, buy you things you never had.

Oh, baby, it would mean so much to me,
Oh, baby, to buy you all the things you need for free.
I'll buy you a jet plane, baby,
Get you on a higher plane to a jet stream
And take you through the stratosphere
And check out the planets there and then take you down
Deep where it's hot, hot in Arabia, babia, then cool, cold fields of snow
And we'll roll, dream, roll, dream, roll, roll, dream, dream.
When we dream it, when we dream it, when we dream it,
We'll dream it, dream it for free, free money,
Free money, free money, free money, free money, free money, free money.

Every night before I go to sleep
Find a ticket, win a lottery.
Every night before I rest my head
See those dollar bills go swirling 'round my bed.

Oh, baby, it would mean so much to me,
Baby, I know our troubles will be gone.
Oh, I know our troubles will be gone, goin' gone
If we dream, dream, dream for free.
And when we dream it, when we dream it, when we dream it,
Let's dream it, we'll dream it for free, free money,
Free money, free money, free money,
Free money, free money, free money,
Free money, free money, free money,
Free money, free money, free money,
Free money, free money, free money,
Free money, free money, free money,
Free money, free money, free money,
Free money, free money, free money, free.


she is benediction
she is addicted to thee
she is the root connection
she is connecting with he

here I go and I don't know why
I fell so ceaselessly
could it be he's taking over me...

I'm dancing barefoot
heading for a spin
some strange music draws me in
makes me come on like some heroin/e

she is sublimation
she is the essence of thee
she is concentrating on
he, who is chosen by she

here I go and I don't know why
I spin so ceaselessly,
could it be he's taking over me...


she is re-creation
she, intoxicated by thee
she has the slow sensation that
he is levitating with she ...

here I go and I don't know why,
I spin so ceaselessly,
'til I lose my sense of gravity...


(oh god I fell for you ...)

the plot of our life sweats in the dark like a face
the mystery of childbirth, of childhood itself
grave visitations
what is it that calls to us?
why must we pray screaming?
why must not death be redefined?
we shut our eyes we stretch out our arms
and whirl on a pane of glass
an afixiation a fix on anything the line of life the limb of a tree
the hands of he and the promise that s/he is blessed among women.

(oh god I fell for you ...)


hi hello wake from thy sleep
God has given your soul to keep
all of the power that burns in the flame
ignites the light in a single name

Frederick name of care
fast asleep in a room somewhere
guardian angels [line a bed]
shed their light on my sleepy head

I am a threshold yearning to sing
down with the the dancers having one last fling
here's to the moment when you said hello
come on my spirit are you ready let's go

hi hi hey hey
maybe I will come back some day now
but tonight on the wings of a dove
up above to the land of love


now I lay me down to sleep
pray the Lord my soul to keep
kiss to kiss breath to breath
my soul surrenders astonished to death

night of wonder for us to keep
set our sails channel [out] deep
after the rapture two hearts meet
mine entwined in a single beat

Frederick you're the one
as we journey from sun to sun
all the dreams I waited so long for
fly tonight so long so long

bye bye hey hey
maybe we will come back some day now
but tonight on the wings of a dove
up above to the land of love

Frederick name of care
high above in sky that's clear
all the things I've been dreamin' of
are expressed in this name of love

bye bye hey hey
maybe we will come back some day now
but tonight on the wings of a dove
up above . . .

This is dedicated to my clarinet teacher
Fred Sonic Smith


.... serata (nottata) fresca, buona musica, il solito goccio di grappa, una passeggiata per il forum... e domani vacanza.... mi sento quasi bene
Eleonora Castelli
ora vado a dormire...buona notte a tutti smile.gif
bacione a tutti
Grande patty smith, mi riporta indietro di parecchi anni.
Da qualche parte devoavere ancora il vinile di Radio Etiopia
Un giorno o l'altro li convertirò in CD, ma sicuramente dureranno di meno del Vinile.
credo di avere tutto di patti...

Anche stasera apro io, e con una colonna sonora a cui ultimamente sono molto affezionato...

Take a breath
Take a deep breath now
Take a breath
A deep breath now
Take a breath

When you're down is where you find yourself
When you drown there's nothing else
If you're lost you'll need to turn yourself
Then you'll find out that there's no one else

To make the moves that you can do
When you fall from grace your eyes in blue
Your every breath becomes another world
And the far horizon's living hell

Take a breath
A deep breath now

This kind of love is hard to find
I never got to you by being kind
If I'm the one to throw you overboard
At least I showed you how to swim for shore

When you're down is where you'll know yourself
That if you drown there's nothing else
When you're lost you need to find yourself
Then you'll find out that there's no one else

Mi spiace, ma non ho possibilità di allegare anche l'audio... smile.gif

Buonanotte a tutti!
Prima di spegnere, lascio la buona notte a tutti biggrin.gif

Notte a tutti anke da me .... biggrin.gif

Strano...ancora nessuno ha aperto il bar... dry.gif
Lo faccio io e lascio le chiavi sul bancone.

'notte smile.gif

Io mi limito a prendere una birra fredda (con questa canicola!) e lascio le chiavi sul bancone. Sicuramente qualcuno dopo di me prederà qualcosa e qualcun altro chiuderà.
Stefano Migliorini
Non riesco a dormire.........una camomilla grazie
Eleonora Castelli
sono giusto passata a salutare....un analcolico alla frutta e lascio le chiavi sul bancone.....buona notte!
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Salta a inizio pagina | Per vedere la versione completa del forum Clicca qui.