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segnali forti da Nikon... avete letto?

LINK - dpreview
Grazie Whittard, è una notizia molto interessante. Altro che sushi bar ...

Following the success of our digital line-up over the last seven years, which has resulted in more than 95% of Nikon’s UK business being within the digital area, Nikon Corporation has made the decision to focus management resources on digital cameras in place of film cameras. This decision will allow Nikon to continue to develop products that match the demands of an increasingly competitive market place.

Despite this growing competition Nikon Corporation has continued to outperform the market, and has recently reported positive financial results which saw group net profit climb by 20% in the fiscal first half which ended in September. Group sales also increased by 9.8% to 342.85 billion yen in the same period. Sales of high end digital SLR cameras and the success of products like the D70s and D50 have helped contribute to these positive figures.

As the film camera market shrinks and the popularity of compact digital cameras increases, demand for products that offer advanced features and extra value is continuing to grow. High performance digital SLR cameras are performing well as users shift from film-based SLR cameras or upgrade from compact digital cameras to digital SLR cameras.

As a result of the new strategy Nikon will discontinue production of all lenses for large format cameras and enlarging lenses with sales of these products ceasing as soon as they run out of stock. This also applies to most of our film camera bodies, interchangeable manual focus lenses and related accessories. Although Nikon anticipates that the products will still be in retail distribution up to Summer 2006.

In recognition of Nikon’s commitment to professional photographers we will continue to manufacturer and sell the F6, our flagship film model, as well as a number of manual interchangeable lenses. Sales of the manual FM10 will also continue outside Europe.
Peccato che io sono nato in Italia e leggo solo l'Italiano, ma se nasco un'altra volta!
purtroppo pure per me l'inglese è un problema......nessuno può aiutarci?
Ciao Zico, quello postato e poi riportato è l'annuncio in inglese come hai fatto notare.
Qui trovi la discussione in italiano presente in un'altra sezione di questo forum.
Caro zio pino sempre un piacere leggerla ...

Traduzione e sintesi:
visti i successi delle dslr in generale (e d70s e d50 nel particolare) la nikon ha decisco di investire molto di più su questo campo abbandonando parte della produzione di accessori e corpi analogici.
Verrà inoltre cessata la produzione di lenti manual focus.
In europa resterà in commercio la sola F6.

Più o meno questo è tutto.
A voi le considerazioni ...

Bene, grazie per l'assistenza; quell'altro tread l'avevo visto ed ho anche espresso il pensiero al riguardo, ma non sapevo che si riferissero alla stessa cosa; questo per dire quanto io capisca l'inglese!
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