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Premesso che non ho mai aperto una discussione al bar e premesso che non seguo i rumors ogni giorno e premesso che il mio acquisto l'ho già fatto, copio ed incollo quanto riferito da Bryan Peterson (famoso fotografo e scrittore di molti libri editi in Italia con la Biblioteca del Fotografo).

First I am NOT on Nikon's payroll-never have been! I buy ALL of my Nikon gear, just like most of you!

I do however have "friends" on the inside and although this news is coming from my French "inside" friend, it is more reliable then all of the other Nikon rumor's that have been swirling about for the past two years! Since I have never jumped on the rumor bandwagon, UNTIL NOW, you just might be tempted to believe it, but ultimately, since I am relying on someone else, and they really are in a position to "KNOW", then it's a pretty safe bet, this time, that it's true!

Two new Nikon's-The D800, at 20MP, full frame, retail price of $2495.00 and Nikon DX-4, full frame at 19-20MP with a retail price of $5,000.00 and both will be announced by late September 2011! That's about all I have for you but I will add, that until Canon add's the Multiple Exposure feature to their camera's, I will find this reason and several others to continue to put up with the frustration of Nikon's extremely slow response to the needs of their photographic customers.

All my best-

Bryan F Peterson

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A presto
Mi sembrano pochini i Mpx su quella che potrebbe essere la D4 (che poi non si è capita quella sigla DX-4).
Ringrazio Peterson e spero ci sia un s1 raw a disposizione.
Troppi mp per i miei gusti e sopratutto per le mie necessità.
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