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Nikon encrypts white balance data
Tuesday, 19 April 2005 09:30 GMT

We are surprised and disappointed to hear that Nikon is trying to lock out third party RAW converters. According to, Nikon has encrypted white balance information in NEF files written by the D2X and the D2HS. While the encryption can be cracked, Adobe is concerned about being sued for violation of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). Dpreview agrees with the sentiments of chief engineer and original author of Photoshop Thomas Knoll, who said "I think the copyrighted information inside the NEF file belongs to the photographer, not Nikon. But Nikon apparently thinks they own the information inside the NEF." UPDATE: Third party RAW converter, Bibble, has announced that it has decoded the D2X's RAW white balance parameter and will fully support it.

Ma è vero questo?
Praticamente Nikon costringerà ad acquistare il prorpio software?
Giorgio Baruffi
l'ennesima diatriba/bufala atta a screditare Nikon, da parte oltretutto di Adobe che in quanto a posizioni monopolistiche non avrebbe proprio nulla di cui parlare...

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un caro saluto

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